Terms & Conditions​

Pre Uni Victoria Tutoring

Terms & Conditions

1. Students are expected to attend all their Tuition Classes during the scheduled time and day in which they are enrolled. The minimum enrolment period is the complete term (11 weeks) and dis-enrolments cannot be made during this period. If a student fails to attend one or more classes during this period, neither credits/refunds nor makeup classes will be provided. Students are not permitted to change Tuition Classes once their enrolment is completed and requests for one-off class changes will not be entered into. All Fees paid are non-refundable. No request for a refund will be entertained. Once the current Term is over, there will be no carryover from the current Term to the next Term.

Students need to bring their books to class every time. Students without books will not be admitted to the class.

Parents must regularly interact with the Course Instructor to know their child’s performance.

Fees must be paid on time. Term fee can be paid as a one-time payment before the commencement of the Term.

5. Fees paid are only for One Student Kit comprising one set of Study Material and for tuition. Any request for an extra book bag and other materials will be charged separately.

6. Students who wish to go on leave must submit a leave application to their respective Course Instructors / Centre head at least 2 weeks in advance. Compensatory classes will be held only when there is a genuine reason for taking leave (i.e. in case of your family member’s death) and will be at the sole discretion of the Course Instructor and Centre Head. Students who take leave without leave application shall be termed as absentees and no compensatory class will be conducted for the same. A student who stops attending classes for more than a week without informing the Centre in writing will be treated as discontinued. If such a student wishes to rejoin, he or she will have to pay the full level fees again along with the annual fee. Parents are requested to submit leave applications to avoid problems. No refund will be given if a student discontinues in between or once the enrolment is completed.

7. The teacher reserves the right to cancel any class and make necessary arrangements for replacement deemed fit by the teacher / Centre Manager.

8. Mobile phones will not be allowed into the classroom. Students who bring mobile phones will be sent out of the class

9. Students are expected to have their homework completed by the due date in order to consolidate the student’s understanding of the concepts taught in the class. Also if students do not give their books for marking, their books will not be marked at all the following week or during the Term.

10. Parents should pick up their children from the Centre on time. The teacher / Course Instructor / Centre Head will wait for an extra five minutes only. Parents should take total responsibility for their children if they come late for any mishaps and incidents.

11. Students are expected to be on their best behaviour at all times, and must be dressed neatly and appropriately whilst on Pre Uni Victoria Tutoring premises. A student has to leave the class if they are engaging in disruptive behaviour during the duration of the class. Any students who conduct themselves in an anti-social manner towards other students or staff may be asked to leave immediately. We reserve the right to cancel a student’s enrolment if the inappropriate behaviour persists. This guarantees the safety of other students and our staff whilst on our premises. No refund will be given if a student’s enrolment is cancelled.

12. Each student attending Pre Uni Victoria Tutoring is required to submit personal details which are kept confidential. Changes to this information must be provided as soon as possible. Inaccurate or incomplete information being provided intentionally may result in the non-acceptance of enrolment or cancellation of an existing enrolment.

13. Time to time, there may be special (promotional) offers. Each of our special offers will have its own terms and conditions, and you must refer to the respective terms and conditions before accepting the offer. Any special offers cannot be used in conjunction with any other offers or discounts.; Special offers will be for New enrollments only.

14. I declare that the information supplied to Pre Uni Victoria Tutoring in support of this application for enrolment is complete and correct to the best of my understanding and belief. I understand that the purposeful giving of false, misleading or incomplete information may lead to the refusal of acceptance or cancellation or enrolment without any refund. I understand that the fees may increase and accept the liability for the payment of all fees. I agree that payment must be made to secure enrolment. I agree to abide by the Pre Uni Victoria Tutoring Terms and Conditions. We reserve the right to change these Terms and Conditions at any time. The current. It is your responsibility to familiarise yourself with these updated terms and conditions by asking for an updated copy from the Centre Manager.

The student’s information provided is used for a variety of purposes including:

Student administration
Student surveys
Promotional campaigns
The provision of a safe environment for students

Personal information may be shared with other sectors of Pre Uni Victoria Tutoring for administrative purposes. Pre Uni Victoria Tutoringundertakes not to sell, rent or trade students’ personal information. We will not disclose about the student unless the disclosure is:

Required by the law
Authorised by the law

The parent/guardian has consented in writing to our disclosing of the student’s information through the acceptance of the Terms and Conditions of the program for which they have applied. It is possible that Pre Uni Victoria Tutoring may utilise third-party suppliers from time to time to conduct specialised activities such as mail-outs. These suppliers act on behalf of Pre Uni Victoria Tutoringand do not facilitate their own commercial agendas whilst processing any personal information. While personal information may be provided to these agents to enable them to perform their agreed tasks, such information remains the property of Pre Uni Victoria Tutoring at all times.